Uniblue RegistryBooster kemudian akan memperbaiki atau menghapus registry digunakan, rusak dan berbahaya sehingga mengoptimalkan kinerja PC Anda.
Uniblue RegistryBooster adalah solusi paling aman dan paling terpercaya untuk membersihkan dan mengoptimalkan sistem komputer, membebaskan dari kesalahan entri registry dan terfragmentasi. Dengan menggunakan teknologi pendeteksi terbaruUniblue RegistryBooster secara otomatis mengidentifikasiregistry hilang, rusak atau item yang mungkin berbahaya di registry Windows sehingga secara dramatis meningkatkan kinerja dan stabilitas windows secara umum.
Key Benefits of RegistryBooster 2010
Clean Your System and Boost Performance
Boost system performance by cleaning out all missing, unwanted, obsolete and corrupt registry entries automatically with RegistryBooster.
Repair Your PC and Keep It Tuned
Dramatically improve your computing experience by repairing all registry problems and minimizing application seizures and crashes.
Exceptionally Simple to Use
Set in a highly intuitive, attractive, logical and user-friendly graphical user interface, Uniblue’s registry cleaner sets the standard for ease-of-use.
More Scanning Options
Due to the improvements made to the scanning engine you are now able to scan for more sections within the registry.
An Ignore List
This is quite an innovative feature and very useful for those users who are extra cautious with their registry. By specifying the registry section and path the user will be able to exclude registry parts from the scan.
Log Generation
Displays a transcript of all the actions performed on the registry by a particular fix operation. Especially helpful for those users wanting to know what has been done to their registry.
Windows Vista Compatible
RegistryBooster is now fully Windows Vista compatible and can still be run on Windows XP. The program automatically adapts itself according to the version of your operating system so you do not have to configure any manual settings.
Safe and Trusted
Avoid crashes, seizures, slow downs and error messages with the safest and most trusted solution from a leading software vendor.
System Requirements for RegistryBooster 2010
Intel Pentium 3 500MHz or equivalent processor
At least 256 MB RAM
100 MB free hard disk space
Graphics mode 800×600, 256 colours
Internet Explorer 6
Microsoft Windows XP / Vista / 7
Recommended system requirements:
Intel Pentium 4 1GHz or equivalent processor
512 MB RAM
200 MB free hard disk space
Graphics mode 1024×768 true color (highest 32-bit)
Internet Explorer 6
Microsoft Windows XP / Vista / 7
How to Activated Uniblue RegistryBooster 2010
1. Install RegistryBooster 2010
2. Run program RegistryBooster 2010
3. Quit RegistryBooster 2010 dr tray icon menu
4. Run Registry Editor (Regedit dari start–>run)
6. Pilih menu edit–>find…–>cari value: FC (jangan lupa ceklis values dan Match whole string only yg lain diunceklis)
7. Ubah data FC dari 85 jadi 100
8. Buat string value baru dengan nama: License
9. Masukan serial pada string value: License
11. Run RegistryBooster 2010 dan sekarang Uniblue RegistryBooster full version
Download :
Uniblue RegistryBooster
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